Reflect Questions 5/27

by Chris Poblete •
27 May 2018

Reflect Questions: Sunday May 27


Mark 5:21-43

Reflect Questions
Spiritual Disciplines

Reflect Questions are designed to help you apply Sunday’s sermon to the everyday stuff of life. Prayerfully reflect on these questions throughout the week and consider discussing them with your home group.

  1. Jairus exercised costly faith by seeking out Jesus and going against the social and religious views of his peers. Describe a situation where you’ve had to go against your peers to take a stand on something, especially with your Christian faith.
  2. We also learned of a woman who was considered ceremonially unclean according to societal normas. In our day, what groups of people might be considered “unclean” or undesirable? What posture should we have toward these “social outsiders”?
  3. What does this text say about the dignity of women and children (who in their culture were low on the social totem pole)?
  4. In verse 36, Jesus sends a bold call to faith: “Do not fear. Only believe.” Where in your life do you need to answer this bold call to faith?

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